Articles — 2016

Responding to dumb-ass Pagan news stories

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Responding to dumb-ass Pagan news stories

Local news media never know quite how to cover Pagan events, and the unease is mutual. Decades of being ignored (except during Halloween season) and misrepresented have left plenty of Pagans shy around the press. After all, no one wants to be baited, be ridiculed, or show up on the evening news with “area cult member” under their name. When a reporter interviews local Pagans and snaps a few photos, the resulting news story will typically contain one of the following: A blandly well-meaning overview of Pagan beliefs, complete with some quotes from “totally normal” Pagans. Or, a thinly veiled...

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Cheap Pagan jewelry costs more than you think. Six reasons to buy the good stuff

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Cheap Pagan jewelry costs more than you think. Six reasons to buy the good stuff

If you shop for Pagan and spiritual jewelry online, your browser is most likely bursting with ads for cheap imported baubles. But there are plenty of good reasons why you shouldn’t bite. Supporting these merchants hurts Pagan artisans (and possibly yourself). Based overseas, companies like “Wicca Movement,” “Enchantory” and “Wicca Store USA” use aggressive marketing tactics to reach customers in the United States. They offer pendants, bracelets, and other trinkets at tempting prices—sometimes only a dollar or two including shipping. Even formerly craft-friendly sites like Etsy are now flooded with galaxies of cheaply-made pentacles and crescent moons. Some of this...

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Magickal materials: Antler

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Magickal materials: Antler

If you’ve shopped for clothing or décor lately, you might have noticed that antlers are having a moment. But humans have been fascinated with antlers long before they were adorning T-shirts at Urban Outfitters. Shamans, magicians, and ancient Pagans have all adored the antler as a symbol of masculine power and the cycle of life. Let’s look at some of the ways antlers can be incorporated into your magickal craft. Antler Facts First, the basics. Antlers grow from the heads of members of the deer family, or cervids. Normally only males have antlers, except among reindeer, which have antlers on...

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Messy altar? Four simple steps for organizing your witchy stuff

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Messy altar? Four simple steps for organizing your witchy stuff

As Wiccans and Pagans, we tend to use a lot of objects in our spiritual practices. There's no shame in that--sacred objects help us understand the Above and to connect more deeply with the Below. But there are times when all the accumulated juju can get out of hand. It's a good idea to go through your stash at least a couple of times a year. Are you a Pagan hoarder? Follow these easy steps to get your gear in tiptop shape! Traditionally, the best time to clear an altar is during the last waning moon before either Beltane or...

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Going to a faery festival? Costume tips and ideas

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Going to a faery festival? Costume tips and ideas

One of the best parts of attending any festival is putting together a killer outfit. Faeries especially love fashion, frivolity, and the art of disguise. But budget, weather, and travel concerns can have any faery feeling less than magickal. Costuming for outdoor festivals is challenging, but it’s worth it when you get to run around with other faeries in a beautiful natural setting. Are you going to Faerieworlds? Glastonbury? Or another faery festival or Renaissance faire? Here’s some ideas to help plan the faery costume of your dreams. Inspiration Maybe you already know what kind of Fae you want to...

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