Articles — groups

What to expect at a Pagan festival

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

What to expect at a Pagan festival

Thinking about attending a Pagan festival? Great! Festivals are a fabulous way to meet like-minded friends, nurture the mind and spirit, and be part of a vibrant, celebratory community. But there’s a lot to consider before you pitch your tent and go bounding toward the revel fire. This article will help you sidestep some of the newbie mistakes that can dampen your enjoyment of a Pagan festival. We’ll touch on what to expect, how to pack, how not to be a jerk, and how not to miss out on the wonderful things the festival has to offer. Disclosure: I’ve been...

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Becoming a grown-up Witch

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Becoming a grown-up Witch

When did you come of age as a Witch? Some people can point to the exact day. Maybe it was in front of witnesses, when you took an important degree or initiation. Maybe you were all alone with the gods, when a vision or epiphany changed your life forever. As I look back on my own path, I’m sure that I have stepped over that threshold, from novice to Real Grown-Up Witch. I’m just not sure when, exactly, it happened. I don’t have any certificates or ceremonial cords to show for it. I can’t name the precise moment, though my...

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Pagan ritual etiquette (or, how not to piss off a room full of Witches)

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Pagan ritual etiquette (or, how not to piss off a room full of Witches)

Emily Post never wrote about proper behavior at Pagan rituals. Fortunately, there's always been common sense (and the Golden Rule) to guide us. Even so, a lot of people get nervous about attending Pagan rituals. Especially if they're not Pagan or have never been to one before.) What am I supposed to do, or not do? Are there any special rules that apply only to Pagans? Mostly, you'll find that being polite at a Pagan gathering is the same as being polite at any other public occasion. The following eight etiquette tips aren’t rules. Pagans hate rules. Instead they are...

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Why do people become Pagan? The top ten reasons

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Why do people become Pagan? The top ten reasons

“Why are you Pagan?” If you were to ask this question of a dozen people, you would probably get a dozen different answers. For Christians (and others who believe in one true God) the revival of polytheism may be confounding. For others, it is hard to understand why a sensible modern person would seem to turn their back on science to worship the gods of old. Before we get too far along, let's cover some background info. Paganism is defined broadly as non-Abrahamic religion that is Nature-based, polytheistic, or both. Wiccans, for instance, generally worship a creator Goddess and a...

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No time for witch wars: How I learned to stop worrying and get on with the magick

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

No time for witch wars: How I learned to stop worrying and get on with the magick

There’s a widespread assumption that being involved in a Pagan community means signing up for a whole lot of drama. And unfortunately, there’s often some ugly reality underlying the belief that Pagan groups are ruled by discord. Disputes over leadership, differences of belief, and just plain old nasty gossip are some of the unwelcome distractions that lead to the all-out conflicts known as witch wars. The term “witch wars” brings to mind dramatic, wizardly battles with wands clashing and sparks flying. Yes, hexes and psychic attacks are sometimes a component of witches’ feuds. But it doesn’t take black magick to...

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