Articles — crystals

Gemstone Facts and Folklore: Green Aventurine

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Gemstone Facts and Folklore: Green Aventurine

Shimmery green Aventurine is a marvelous addition to your crystal collection.  Aventurine is a form of microcrystalline Quartz.  It doesn't grow into points and clusters like some other types of Quartz, but forms chunks and slabs of opaque crystal.  Green Aventurine gets its color and shimmer from small amounts of the mineral Mica. It varies from frosty pale green to a deep, vibrant emerald. (Peach- and orange-colored Aventurine also exist, and are colored by iron oxide.)  Most Green Aventurine comes from India. Because of its beauty, low cost, and moderate hardness, Green Aventurine is a popular stone for carving.  Tibetan...

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