Articles — opinion

Defining "intention": What does it mean in magick?

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Defining "intention": What does it mean in magick?

Magick workers talk a lot about something called intention. As in, “focus on your intention,” or “write your intention on a slip of paper.” Most of us would agree that formulating the right intention is one of the major—if not the major—prerequisites for successful spellcasting. After you’ve settled on the direction of the working, the next step is usually forming your intention into something less nebulous: A sentence, a sigil, an image or object. But what is intention? Is it the same thing as will (or Will)? Is it deeply felt desire? Is it visualization? Is it as simple as...

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Why do people become Pagan? The top ten reasons

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Why do people become Pagan? The top ten reasons

“Why are you Pagan?” If you were to ask this question of a dozen people, you would probably get a dozen different answers. For Christians (and others who believe in one true God) the revival of polytheism may be confounding. For others, it is hard to understand why a sensible modern person would seem to turn their back on science to worship the gods of old. Before we get too far along, let's cover some background info. Paganism is defined broadly as non-Abrahamic religion that is Nature-based, polytheistic, or both. Wiccans, for instance, generally worship a creator Goddess and a...

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No time for witch wars: How I learned to stop worrying and get on with the magick

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

No time for witch wars: How I learned to stop worrying and get on with the magick

There’s a widespread assumption that being involved in a Pagan community means signing up for a whole lot of drama. And unfortunately, there’s often some ugly reality underlying the belief that Pagan groups are ruled by discord. Disputes over leadership, differences of belief, and just plain old nasty gossip are some of the unwelcome distractions that lead to the all-out conflicts known as witch wars. The term “witch wars” brings to mind dramatic, wizardly battles with wands clashing and sparks flying. Yes, hexes and psychic attacks are sometimes a component of witches’ feuds. But it doesn’t take black magick to...

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The wisdom of sloth: Embracing the lesser-known spirit animals

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

The wisdom of sloth: Embracing the lesser-known spirit animals

“Are you going to want the wolf refill package?” she asks me over the phone. I’m buying an assortment of pewter animal charms for my shop. “It’s by far our best-seller.” I can believe it. Wolves are superstars. I imagine the disappointment of my customers as they rifle through a bin for their cherished wolf totems, only to find a bunch of swans and ladybugs. I get two wolf refill packages. The skunk and manatee charms, I learn, have been discontinued—probably melted down and recast into more wolves. I decide right then and there to keep my mouth shut if...

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Pagan adulthood: Expectations versus reality

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Pagan adulthood: Expectations versus reality

Once upon a time, there was a witchy little girl with some big dreams about what the future would hold. Like many, I began my Pagan practice as a young teen. I was stirred by tantalizing contact with Nature, the Ancient Ones, and the Unseen. I couldn’t wait to learn everything I could about magick, to break away and begin my life as a real grown-up Pagan. But I didn’t know any actual Pagans—not at first, anyway. I was too shy to share my experiences with others, or to ask for books on occultism. As a result, almost everything I...

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