Pagan and Earth-based magazines currently in print

It's easy to get Pagan news online these days, but some of us still love to curl up with a dead-tree copy of a favorite periodical.  Here's a short guide for readers (and writers) looking for the best magazines on Earth-based spirituality, Paganism, and witchcraft. 

Much has been said about the death of traditional publishing, and indeed, many well-loved titles have folded in recent years.   However, there are still a number of excellent Pagan magazines in print.  All the titles on this list are currently published, (i.e., they produced an issue for the Spring or Summer of 2015).

Some other notes:  This list includes general-interest print magazines that are Pagan or Pagan-friendly and are available to subscribers in the United States.  It doesn't include digital-only titles or scholarly occult journals (like Abraxas and Clavis).  It also excludes titles that have ceased publication, even if back issues are still available from the publisher.

"Cover price" refers to the single-issue price as displayed on the cover.  Subscription prices are in US dollars (may be approximate), and include shipping to the US.  Information is current as of July 2015. Check with the publisher for the most recent information.  Full disclosure: We buy ad space in some of these magazines.

Circle Magazine

Update: Circle Magazine ceased publication in December 2015 with issue #122.

"Celebrating Nature, Spirit, and Magic." Published by Circle Sanctuary since 1979, Circle is the grande dame of Pagan magazines. Each quarterly issue features a central theme around which the editorial and creative content is organized.  The remainder of the space goes to reader letters, current events, seasonal content, and recurring columns.  A unique feature is the "Passages" section, which highlights deaths and other transitions within the broader Pagan community.

Circle isn't the place to find cutting-edge or controversial writing.  Instead, the tone is measured, inclusive, and thoughtful.  Many pieces deal with legal and social issues relevant to Pagans.  Ecology, social justice, and conscious living are favorite topics.  The masthead features bylines of many respected writers, teachers, and community leaders, especially from Wiccan traditions.  With an estimated readership of 10,000, Circle may be the most widely distributed Pagan magazine.

Format: Color cover, black and white interior, includes advertising

Schedule: Quarterly

Cover price: $6.95

Subscription price: $24/year (print) or $19/year (digital).  Discounts available for longer subscription terms, and for combination digital/print subscriptions.

Submission guidelines: Pagan and magical topics, news, poetry, projects, drawings, photos and essays. Roughly half the content fits the theme of the next issue, which is announced ahead of time on the publisher's website. No payment for submissions.  Volunteer contributors receive two complementary copies of the magazine.

Publisher's website:


"Celebrating the Goddess in Every Woman."  SageWoman is the magazine of interfaith Goddess spirituality, broadly defined. It is popular not only with Pagans, but anyone who connects with the Divine Feminine.  Besides its inspirational writing, SageWoman is known for its arresting full-color covers and graceful black-and-white illustrations.

Created entirely by women, SageWoman features personal essays, Goddess stories, artwork, meditations, and poetry. The tone is meant to be uplifting and appropriate for all ages.  Each issue has its own theme, but popular topics include healing, travel, motherhood, life changes, prayer and invocation.  Occasionally it includes crafts, recipes and rituals to try.

Format: Color cover, black and white interior, 96 pages, includes advertising

Schedule: Quarterly

Cover price: $10.95

Subscription price: $23/year (4 issues, print or digital), or $20/year for fixed- and low-income subscribers. (Discounts available for multiple subscriptions and longer terms.)

Submission guidelines: Accepts submissions from women only.  Publishes a wide variety of material related to women's spirituality, including personal essays, reviews, drawings and photography, short poetry and inspiration.  No fiction, long poetry, or erotica.  Most writing is unpaid.  Contributions of 1000+ words receive a four-issue subscription and four contributor's copies. Cash or advertising trade offered for some feature articles and commissioned work.

Publisher's website:

Witches & Pagans

"Earthwise Spirituality for Today."  Witches & Pagans was formed from the merging of two defunct magazines, PanGaia and newWitch.  It's crafted to appeal to Pagans of many different ages and backgrounds.  Author interviews, seasonal rituals and activities, and best-in-class feature writing make it a standout.  If you only have room in your budget for one title, Witches & Pagans is solidly recommended.

Format: Color cover, black and white interior, 96 pages, includes advertising

Schedule: Quarterly

Cover price: $7.95

Subscription price: $23/year (4 issues, print or digital), or $20/year for fixed- and low-income subscribers. (Discounts available for multiple subscriptions and longer terms.)

Submission guidelines: Content relevant to Pagan readers: Essays and factual articles, how-tos, rituals, personal development, travel, home and garden, social issues, art and photography.  Fiction and poetry considered. Contributors of 1000+ words receive a four-issue subscription and four copies of the issue that includes the content.  Feature and commissioned articles may be paid in cash.  (Lots more details available from the publisher.)

Publisher's website:


"Women Coming of Age." The successor to Crone Chronicles (1989-2001), Crone is a twice-yearly journal of aging and feminine wisdom.  Includes essays and inspiration for women of all ages, but especially those in the Crone phase of life. Not explicitly Pagan, Crone is nonetheless geared towards readers who embrace Earth-based spirituality.

Format: Color cover, black-and-white interior, 128 pages (perfect bound), no advertising

Schedule: Semi-annual

Cover price: $13.95

Subscription price: $23/year (2 issues, print or digital), or $20/year for fixed- and low-income subscribers. (Discounts available for multiple subscriptions and longer terms.)

Submissions: Publishes content "of concern to women of crone age and/ or for those who appreciate the archetype of the Crone."  Feature articles, interviews, personal essays, poetry, art and photography.  Submissions from minorities especially encouraged.  No pay for submissions, but contributors receive 5 copies of the issue and a 1-year subscription.

Publisher's website:

Sacred Hoop

"Celebrating the Circle of Life."  Standing basically alone in its field, Sacred Hoop is the leading publication on shamanism since 1993.  Sacred Hoop emphasizes connection to the Earth and all of its life forms, deep ecology, and the shamanic/mystical branches of many world religions.  The main edition of the magazine went digital a couple of years ago, but it's included here because a print version is still available. 

Format: Full color, includes advertising. Digital subscribers can order print issues directly from the printer.

Schedule: Quarterly

Cover price: Approx. $14 plus postage (print on demand)

Subscription price: Approx. $14/year (digital).  Discount on longer subscription terms.

Submission guidelines: Publishes articles on shamanic and animistic traditions (600-4800 words), original artwork and photography.  Author's bio requested (70-100 words).  Does not pay for submissions, but contributors will receive a digital subscription. Listings in the events section ("People on the Path") are free for subscribers.

Publisher's website:

FAE (Faeries and Enchantment)

A full-color, glossy magazine for Faeries, Elves, and their admirers.  It is published in the UK by event planner and fairy wrangler Karen Kay.  Each issue contains a grab-bag of fun content, including fashion photography, reviews, fairy folklore, art and whimsy.  Many of the display ads are works of art in their own right.  It's delightfully seasonal, with a blooming spring issue and a holiday issue full of frosty fairies!

FAE has the feel of a breathless, gleeful fanzine--a good thing, most of the time.  It's fun, unpretentious and colorful, and speaks to Pagan souls who are drawn to the world of Faerie.  One quibble?  FAE's volunteer staff and fannish bent result in a lot of repetition, with the same handful of writers, models, and artists featured in nearly every issue.  (A feature on Brian and Wendy Froud's newborn baby was a recent low point.)

Format: Full color, includes advertisements

Schedule: Quarterly

Cover price: £4.50-5.00

Subscription price: Approx. $58/year (4 issues, print).  Digital subscriptions are available through iTunes.

Submission guidelines: Publishes articles, original photography, and art on Faery and mythic themes, including folklore, fashion and art.  Short fiction and poetry are accepted, but rarely published.  No nudity (unless mostly covered by flowers, apparently).  No compensation for submissions.

Publisher's website:

Faerie Magazine


"Celebrating the Extraordinary." A lifestyle magazine centered around the fairy-tale aesthetic, Faerie is a perfect fit for the era of Instagram and Pinterest.  World-class nature photography, awe-inspiring crafts, rare architecture and stunning models grace its colorful pages.  Lovers of mossy castles, fuzzy woollens, and dewy mushrooms will swoon.  Besides Faerie's observation of the seasons and recognition of the Fae, there's not much here that's Pagan, or even really spiritual.

Faerie's editorial content is quite varied: Essays, fiction, interviews, reader letters, reviews, recipes, crafts, fashion, travelogue, book excerpts, photos, and illustration.  Though they are ostensibly similar titles, its slick production values stand in contrast to FAE's charming amateurishness.  Faerie's beauty is skin-deep, but oh, what a skin!

Format: Full color, 96 page, includes advertising

Schedule: Quarterly

Cover price: $10.95 (Download a digital copy of the current issue for $3.95, or $2.50 for back issues.)

Subscription price: $26/year (4 issues, print), $48 for 2 years.

Submission guidelines: Publishes a bit of everything--see description above. Nothing "too dark, too overtly fantastic or spiritual." Payment terms are vague, and queries are encouraged prior to submission.  Wholesale and drop-shipping opportunities available for select vendors.

Publisher's website:

The Magical Times Magazine

"Environment, Natural Health, Spirituality and Folklore."  A UK-based Pagan magazine with an abundance of  great graphical content, especially catering to the Renaissance and Faerie subcultures. (Fashion and fantasy photography by Lunaesque appears in almost every issue.)  Taut, accessible articles cover a wide range of interesting topics.

Format: Full color, 52 pages, includes advertising

Schedule: Quarterly

Cover price: £3.25/$5.99

Subscription price: $54/year (4 issues, print), $102 for 2 years (8 issues).  Digital downloads also available. Some subscriptions include a free gift.

Publisher's website:

Witchcraft and Wicca

A long-standing UK title, published by the Children of Artemis twice per year.  (COA organizes the annual Witchfest, the largest Pagan gathering in the world.) Wiccan and Pagan ethics, practice, DIY witchery, family activities, event listings, art gallery and more.

Witchcraft and Wicca's main function seems to be as a membership magazine for the various COA chapters, and much of the material isn't relevant to readers outside the UK. The articles are generally well-written, but deal with basic topics (Wheel of the Year, moon phases, color magic, etc).

Format: Full color,

Schedule: Semi-annual

Cover price: £3.50/$7.25

Subscription price: Approx. $28/year (2 issues)

Submission guidelines: None provided.

Publisher's website:

The Cauldron

Update: Creator Michael Howard passed away in 2015--the future of the magazine is uncertain.  An independent, privately published magazine from the UK. Produced since 1976, Michael Howard's journal is short on style, but long on substance.  Howard writes much of the material, but it also has attracted such notable contributors as Gareth Knight, Raven Grimassi, and Josephine McCarthy.

The Cauldron is truly old school.  To subscribe, you have to mail a paper check or money order to the UK (no online payments are accepted).  

Format: Black and white interior, classified ads

Schedule: Quarterly

Subscription price: $55 (4 issues)

Submission guidelines: Submissions considered--email editor for details.

Publisher's website:

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