Choosing and using black ritual salt

Choosing and using black ritual salt

Today, we’ll look at a versatile and inexpensive addition to your spell kit: Black ritual salt. Black salt is a potent ingredient in defensive workings. Black salt combines the grounding properties of salt with the protective power of the color black. (Technically not a color, yes I know). In this article we’ll cover the basics of using black salt in spellworking. Most black salt spells have the same basic purpose: Creating a barrier of protection and/or “earthing” crummy energy to be disposed of later.

Types of black salt

There are basically two kinds of black salt on the market: Black culinary salt, and black ritual salt. Black culinary salt is available in gourmet food stores. It is sea salt that has been colored with additives, often powdered coconut shell charcoal, that give it a grey-black color.  Black culinary salt is sprinkled over finished dishes to add a salty, slightly smoky kick. It is more expensive than ritual salt, and the main difference is that culinary salt is edible. Black ritual salt, on the other hand, is not food-grade, and shouldn’t be consumed. (Kitchen witches might consider purchasing the gourmet stuff, which will serve either purpose.)

Black ritual salt is usually obtained from magickal and curiosity shops in vials or plastic bags. It may be colored with charcoal powder or dyes. Some witches prefer to make their own from white salt, and there are a lot of different formulas for this. Cauldron scrapings, finely ground black pepper, ash, even graveyard dirt show up in traditional recipes for ritual black salt.

Black salt spells

So once you have your black salt, what can you with it?  Black salt may be used alone in or in combination with other ingredients. Remember that its primary properties are warding, grounding, absorptive, and barrier-forming—knowing that, it’s easy to imagine your own uses for the stuff.

Here are some traditional black salt spells to get you started:

  • Banish negativity by walking the boundaries of your property counterclockwise while sprinkling black salt. You can do this in combination with another cleansing method, like smudging.
  • A thin line across the threshold of each door or window is said to ward off evil. If it’s a particular enemy you want to stay out, sprinkle some your doorway while naming the person(s) to keep out and the reasons.
  • Use black salt in spell jars or mojo bags to repel negativity, curses, and hexes.
  • A hidden packet of black salt in a workplace or other shared space is supposed to help absorb anger, grouchiness, gossip, etc. (Tape it under a desk or drawer. Replace periodically with fresh salt.)
  • Black salt can represent the element of Earth in new moon, shadow magic, or Dark Goddess rites.
  • When making a charm for a positive outcome like wealth or fame, throw in a pinch of black salt against jealousy that may arise from you obtaining your desire.
  • A teaspoon or so of black salt dissolved in water makes an effective wash for extra-nasty energetic problems. (Be careful—colored salt can stain clothes and surfaces.) Wash your floor from the back of the room toward the door, and your body from the top down.
  • When an unwanted person is leaving your home, throw a pinch of black salt in their footsteps to prevent their return. Said to be especially effective against witches and ill-wishers.
  • To get someone or something out of your life for good, write it on your altar with black salt. (A paper cone makes it easier.) Focus on banishing it/them while you sweep the salt away.
  • Make a protective candle by rolling the still-soft wax in black salt. If using an existing candle, you can melt the wax surface slightly with the flame of a lighter. Use the candle in spells of protection and banishing.

Disposing of black salt

You should be able to sense when your working has peaked in its effectiveness. Once black salt has been employed in a working, it is considered spent and should not be reused. This is because it acts as a filter, absorbing all the yuckiness your spell was designed to deflect. Getting rid of “magickal toxic waste” requires a little more care and consideration than your typical ritual juju.

Needless to say, you don’t want to keep the stuff around the house, but you should also be mindful of where you want the negativity to go. The four elements are your best friends in breaking down old energy and restoring it to Source: You can bury the leftovers away from your property, cast it into water, scatter it to the four winds, or burn it. (We talk in-depth about disposing of ritual trash in this article.)

One more note about disposal: Though it’s “natural”, salt can kill grass and harm insects when dumped outdoors. A pinch or two is fine—but avoid harming wildlife with large quantities. Running water (especially seawater) or a sandy patch of ground away from plants will be the least impacted by your salty refuse.

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