Articles — beginner

Circling back to magick: 55 ways to live a more spiritual life every day

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Circling back to magick: 55 ways to live a more spiritual life every day

Working magick can transform your life, but the last time you felt its full power was…well, a while ago. Burnout happens. No matter how experienced you are, or how dedicated you are to your Craft, sooner or later you will find yourself stuck in a rut. You may feel uninspired or disconnected from what drew you to magick in the first place. It’s time to get back to basics, re-charge, and reconnect with your super-awesome witchy self. There are dozens of simple rituals and practices that can help the erstwhile Witch recover their mojo. Most people hear “ritual” and think...

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Getting a psychic reading: An insider's guide

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Getting a psychic reading: An insider's guide

I sense…there’s something you’re searching for. It’s becoming clearer… I’ve got it! You’re curious about getting a psychic reading! The topic of psychic readings is one that is shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding. In this article, we’ll delve into what goes on behind that lacy dragonfly curtain at your local witchy emporium. We’ll take a balanced look at scams and skepticism—two subjects that most people in the psychic industry don’t want to talk about. We’ll also touch on how you can prepare yourself to get the most out of your time with a psychic reader. I have experience on both...

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Pennies, acorns, and cracks: The magickal truths behind 7 old superstitions

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Pennies, acorns, and cracks: The magickal truths behind 7 old superstitions

"I don't really believe in it, but I'll do it just in case." That's the definition of a superstition. Even though such practices seem quaint or illogical, some part of you feels that you should heed them...just in case. Superstitions are remnants of old occult beliefs preserved in folklore for the rational age. If you practice magick, as I do, it's easy to see that many folk sayings conceal old truths about how magick works. Their core ideas are so old and so true that they cannot be erased. Though we may think of them as relics of a religious...

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What to expect at a Pagan festival

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

What to expect at a Pagan festival

Thinking about attending a Pagan festival? Great! Festivals are a fabulous way to meet like-minded friends, nurture the mind and spirit, and be part of a vibrant, celebratory community. But there’s a lot to consider before you pitch your tent and go bounding toward the revel fire. This article will help you sidestep some of the newbie mistakes that can dampen your enjoyment of a Pagan festival. We’ll touch on what to expect, how to pack, how not to be a jerk, and how not to miss out on the wonderful things the festival has to offer. Disclosure: I’ve been...

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The no-nonsense smudging guide: Easy tips and tricks for clearing your space

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

The no-nonsense smudging guide: Easy tips and tricks for clearing your space

Freshen up your life with the cleansing power of herbal incense! Smudging questions are some of the most common ones we get around the shop, so I’ve put them together in little bundle (heh). We cover why and when to smudge, some popular smudging herbs, and other questions people ask about smudging and space cleansing.  Skip to the bottom of this article for a sample smudging ritual that is easy to do and suitable for most situations. What is smudging? Smudging is the practice of spiritual cleansing with smoke, especially from sacred herbs.  You can smudge a person, a place,...

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