Articles — opinion

Psychic empathy: Understanding and developing your empathic gifts

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Psychic empathy: Understanding and developing your empathic gifts

Empathy: It may be the most common of all psychic experiences—so common that it often seems perfectly ordinary. Have you ever “caught” a bad mood from a coworker as if it were a cold? Have you ever been swept up in the excitement of a sporting event, yelling and cheering, even though you didn’t really care about the outcome? If so, then you’ve experienced the transfer of emotional energy known as empathy. Is empathy really a psychic ability? As social creatures, most humans have a high degree of empathy. In the language of psychology, empathy simply means we can recognize...

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Seven witchcraft shortcuts that won't mess up your magick

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Seven witchcraft shortcuts that won't mess up your magick

Haste makes waste. Garbage in, garbage out. In witchcraft—as in life—taking too many shortcuts often leads to underwhelming results. However, fast magick doesn’t necessarily have to be sloppy magick. Few of us have time for hours-long rituals, but we can still find ways to fit ­­spiritual practice into our busy lives. Here are seven suggestions for shaving some minutes off your witchy routine: 1. Rely on one-card Tarot readings. I am a big advocate of the one-card Tarot reading. You, too, will be amazed at the concise eloquence of your deck when you ask it for an executive summary of...

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Online witchcraft schools: What you should know

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Online witchcraft schools: What you should know

Thinking about deepening your witchcraft studies by attending school? Welcome to the future—it’s pretty amazing here! One of the blessings of the information age is that it is easier than ever to connect with a teacher, especially in arcane subject matter that was once available only to a select few. Most witchcraft schools exist primarily in the online sphere, where rent is cheap and information can flow freely across distances. Online education has some disadvantages compared to face-to-face instruction. You will likely complete your studies by downloading lessons and interacting with your teacher(s) over email, video, and forums. (Hogwarts, it...

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Five hard truths about magick

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Five hard truths about magick

Of the many laws of magick, there are a few that you’ll never see on a T-shirt or affirmation board. Here, we’ll cover some of the tough stuff: The harsh, the unsettling, the ambiguous facts of living an enchanted life. This article was inspired by some recent discussions of false positivity—that is, the habitual repetition of encouraging words and images. In short, false positivity means well, but it does harm by shutting down discussion of anything problematic. You can’t hide the truth forever—and when you try, it seeps out in sneaky and unexpected ways. There are certain aspects of magick...

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Getting a psychic reading: An insider's guide

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Getting a psychic reading: An insider's guide

I sense…there’s something you’re searching for. It’s becoming clearer… I’ve got it! You’re curious about getting a psychic reading! The topic of psychic readings is one that is shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding. In this article, we’ll delve into what goes on behind that lacy dragonfly curtain at your local witchy emporium. We’ll take a balanced look at scams and skepticism—two subjects that most people in the psychic industry don’t want to talk about. We’ll also touch on how you can prepare yourself to get the most out of your time with a psychic reader. I have experience on both...

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