Articles — pagan

What will happen? Evil spirits, angry gods, and the wrong candle

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

What will happen? Evil spirits, angry gods, and the wrong candle

  Welcome to “What Will Happen?”, a special blog post about breaking the rules of magick. We all know the conventions: Use a pink candle for romance. Do banishing magick during the waning moon. Never cast a curse, lest it return to you threefold. But sometimes, when thumbing through yet another Witchcraft 101 book, you hear that devilish little voice: Oh yeah? Says who? Does “should not” mean “must not”? And, most importantly, what will happen? Every action has consequences. You just need to know how bad the consequences might be. So let’s consider the best and worst possible outcomes...

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Wicca questions answered: Just the facts about Wicca and Paganism

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Wicca questions answered: Just the facts about Wicca and Paganism

Curious about Wicca and Paganism? You’re certainly not alone! In my almost 20 years as a practicing Pagan, I’ve met lots of people who want to learn more about this small-ish, little-understood religion. Some are interested in joining Wicca (or another Pagan tradition). Some just want to better understand their Pagan friends and neighbors. Like many Pagans, I started my training under Wiccan teacher before moving onto my own personal path. I’m not a Wiccan myself, but I attend Wiccan rituals and count many Wiccan folks among my friend. This article is my attempt to answer some of the most...

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Pagan ritual etiquette (or, how not to piss off a room full of Witches)

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Pagan ritual etiquette (or, how not to piss off a room full of Witches)

Emily Post never wrote about proper behavior at Pagan rituals. Fortunately, there's always been common sense (and the Golden Rule) to guide us. Even so, a lot of people get nervous about attending Pagan rituals. Especially if they're not Pagan or have never been to one before.) What am I supposed to do, or not do? Are there any special rules that apply only to Pagans? Mostly, you'll find that being polite at a Pagan gathering is the same as being polite at any other public occasion. The following eight etiquette tips aren’t rules. Pagans hate rules. Instead they are...

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Caring for a silver chalice

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Caring for a silver chalice

The silver (or silver-plated) chalice is an important ritual tool for many Wiccans and Pagans. The chalice represents the feminine principle and is also used to hold beverage offerings. On a Wiccan altar, the chalice stands for the Goddess, as the athame stands for the God. Although a ritual chalice can be made of practically anything, silver has a special magickal significance. Silver corresponds to the Moon. In Western magick, it’s linked to receptivity, psychic vision, dreams, change, and the element of Water. Silver is a beautiful and precious material, but it requires a bit more maintenance than ordinary dishware....

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Simple Solstice rituals: 6 easy ways to celebrate the longest day

Posted by Michelle Gruben on

Simple Solstice rituals: 6 easy ways to celebrate the longest day

In just a few short weeks, the Summer Solstice will be upon us. The longest day of the year is a special occasion for Wiccans and Pagans, who mark our calendar by the movement of the sun and moon. Soon, Pagans all across the Northern Hemisphere will be celebrating the peak of the sun’s light. Summer Solstice is also known as Lughnasadh or Litha in Wicca. Lughnasadh is one of the four Quarters (or Lesser Sabbats) on the Wheel of the Year. It is the most powerful day of the year for the Sun God. In other words, Summer Solstice...

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